Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, February 16, 2007


Dan outside clearing the driveway, look at the trench for the path to the front door.

It's still snowing. It snowed all day on Valentine's Day, Dan got to stay home from work because our street wasn't plowed.

Dan made a snow angel on the deck.

We bought a sled for Zack, we are letting him play with it inside, hoping that he will want to play with it when we take him outside.

Last Saturday we went up to Kirtland to see an exhibit on the Dead Sea Scrolls. They had lots of snow up there and this was before the snow we got this week.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Dan's Birthday!

We had a party with some friends. These are the two birthday boys (both turning 40)

Zack had a fun time helping Dan open his presents.

We weren't fast enough to read Zack his bedtime story so he found it himself.

The baby's room.

Grandmom Rothas made a beautiful bedding set, when the room is cleaned up I will take a picture of everything.


Zack got this Florida Gators outfit for Christmas. I'm amazed I got a decent picture of him with the helmet on, he won't keep it on for long.

Zack helping make the baby blanket

Aren't I cute!

Zack playing with his chairs.
Farmer Zack

Our first hike of the New Year!

We thought it would be fine to let Zack try to walk on our hike. The path turned to gravel and he fell and cut his forehead. This is Zack before we finished cleaning him up.