Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ashley walking around

Zack is reading his books

Zack and Ashley playing on the couch

Zack walking around in Dan's boots

If Ashley finds something she can put her arm in she will and walk around with it. Here she is with my sandal on her arm.

Dan in the backyard playing Bolo Toss with the young men from church.

Ashley found a banana and got it open and started eating it by the fist fulls.

Ashley with Mom's jacket on.

playing in the kitchen.

Shhhh! I'm asleep!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Good morning.

Zack likes having this picture taken, he will often get up in the chair, ask for Ashley and then ask for me to take a picture.

Ashley's kitchen

silly girl

Ashley and Zack pulling the wipes out of the box

Zack showing the three bandaids on his fingers after scraping them all on the driveway when playing with his sandbox

Mouth full of pacifiers


I'm ready to go, I have Dad's keys and Mom's purse

Ashley with Grandma B.

A picture of the family before church

Ashley found an Easter egg

Zack and Ashley looking for eggs

Zack checking out what's in the eggs he found.

Zack eating the ears off of his chocolate bunny.

Birthday cake

Birthday cupcakes

First taste the icing.

More icing.

Smoosh the cake

Lick the fingers clean.

I don't look too messy.

Zack is helping Ashley with the crumbs

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Ashley's 1st Birthday!

I'm 1 today!

Mom didn't buy any party hats, so this will have to do

I love climbing the stairs

Grandpa and Zack are putting together Ashley's new kitchen

The kitchen is great because it has a phone!

The presents with a bow are best

This basket also works as a hat.

Zack also got a present, cars!

I got a bath towel

I can play with cars and wear my bath towel

Does this look good?

Ashley is so excited with the trash, look how fast her hands are moving.

Ashley and Zack checking out the play food

I may be a little short to play with this.