Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter presents from Grandad. Yum - chocolate from Germany

dying Easter eggs

counting the eggs

Easter egg hunt

These next three pictures, I have no idea what Zack and Ashley are looking at. I was the only one taking their pictures, but they both were looking at something else.

Easter morning looking for their Easter baskets (they are behind them in the picure)

look at this!

Ready for church (of course Ashley has a purse)

After an Easter egg hunt in the house, dumping the jelly beans.

Ashley feeding her new doll

Zack looking at magazines

Ashley's 2 year pictures

Saturday, April 11, 2009

trip to FL

playing in Grandmom's kitchen

Zack watching tv


we went to a children's festival at VCC

Ashley getting her hand painted

Ashley showing off the flower on her hand

Ashley's 2nd birthday!

No, that's not mud or chocolate! I'm worried about Ashley's terrible twos - I think it's going to be bad.

So big!

We went to the park to play

Opening presents

It looks like she's singing

Yeah! Presents

Ashley's dressing up

Ashley dressing herself. She has on Zack's shorts and shoe.

Ashley's sad birthday cake. The icing slid off along with the decoration.

So I decorated the other side of the cake

Figuring out how to put on the mask

Pablo and Tyrone
Another Pablo

Opening presents

Ashley trying on a bonnet from the 1880 worn by her great-great-great-grandmother