Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Birthday month

For my birthday we went bowling with Grandmom and Grandad at Firken and Kegler the Saturday before my birthday. This was Ashley's first time bowling.

Zack's turn

Then we went to get to some yummy ice cream. It was colder than we thought it was when we left the house, so we sat in the back of the CR-V and ate the ice cream.


Dad helping Zack and Ashley bake my chocolate peanut butter cake. It was very good.

Zack playing with the party blowers

Ashley playing with the streamers that came out of the poppers.

Me with Zack and Ashley and a lot of candles!

I needed help blowing out the candles - they were the trick re-lighting candles. It took quite a bit to get them out. There was a lot of smoke, which helped us find out that the smoke detectors do work. If you look closely at the picture you can see the heat coming off the candle flames.

Ashley hanging out on the back porch

Covering Dad in silly string

Ashley didn't want anything to do with the string

Zack thought it was a lot of fun!

This Saturday we went to the Winter Park Art Festival. They had a children's area where the kids could paint a picture.

Zack with his picture of Brewster the train from Chuggington

Ashley with her masterpiece

easy way to take the kids around at the art festival

Ashley on the morning of her birthday. She is showing here that she is 3.

Ashley with her Birthday Girl shirt. Keep track of how often she changes clothes today.

Ashley taking a nap next to her presents.

2 Snow Whites!

Ashley dressed up for her Birthday Party with the dress up clothes she got for her birthday. She even has glass slippers.

Opening presents! ABC worm puzzle

Ashley with a surprised look for her Princess and the Frog movie. (she shouldn't be so surprised - she was with me when we bought it. Thanks to Aunt Kristen who let us know how to get the movie for $.99)

wrapped up in some more dress up clothes.

Opening a big present from Grandmom and Grandad!

it's a doll house

Ashley's birthday cake!

looking at the princesses

blowing out the candles

Ashley and Grandad

Ashley watching Dad and Grandad put her doll house together.

it's all done and the princesses are moving in.

(I counted 6 changes of clothes)


Riquino Family said...

That doll house is SO TALL! I love it!

Did you make all those ribbon hair bows that Ashley was wearing? very cute! I make some of those, but the ribbon isn't twisted like that, I like the look of Ashley's!

Looks like she had a fun birthday!

Riquino Family said...

Oh, and your cake turned out great! Good job!

Erin said...

She changes clothes as often as Sarah. The only time Sarah can't get dressed is when I ask her to get her pajamas on. I need help, she says.