Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

We took a little vacation this last weekend. We went to the Cleveland MetroPark zoo on Thursday. We went to the MAPS air museum on Friday. On Saturday we went to the Great Lakes Science Museum (I don't have any pictures because they are in the film camera). We had a fun time!

Zack's first haircut. Just a little off the sides.

Dan and Zack in front of the Elephants.

We saw lots of Kangaroo's.

Behind me there is a Koala bear in the tree.

In the rainforest exhibit at the zoo.

Dan climbing up the side of a jet

This is a P-38 (I think) There are only 2 still running in the world.

Zack walking on the wing of a plane.

I decorated a cake for another baby shower.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Good Morning! I'm one!

Zack checking out his birthday cupcakes.

Zack really enjoyed the cupcake

Zack's new dump truck.

Zack likes taking his new magnets off of the fridge.

new toys

Mom and Aunt Erma

When Mom was here we went to PA to visit Aunt Erma and Uncle Dan.

Zack starting to open his presents.

Zack checking out his presents in the basket with Grandmom Rothas.

Zack in the laundry basket.

Celebrating Zack's birthday one week early.


Zack eating his first piece of Birthday cake.

Zack has figured out how to get into the ashes in the fireplace.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I just developed a roll of film with pictures from this summer on it.

Dan planting our garden.

Zack was pushing his stroller around the yard while we were working in the garden

As you can see the yard was a little muddy.

Zack with the paper. Don't give it to him unless you are done with it.

Zack playing under his exer-saucer.

On the fireplace.

This is Zack the other morning at breakfast. His hand knocked the spoon and it ended up all over him.