Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

At home

Zack is sitting on the soccer ball to watch tv.

Zack and Ashley in their new stroller

Ashley is 5 months old!

Ashley looking at a book in her exer-saucer.

Ashley is starting to move on the floor. Mostly she goes backwards.

When Ashley sits in this chair she likes to put her feet on the edge of the table. You can see some toes in this picture.

Good morning, I'm ready to get up.

Zack is standing in Dan's slipper.

Zack's 2 year pictures

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Zack's 2nd Birthday!

I'm two!

Look what I found!

Vroom, Vroom!

Zack didn't want to get off of his bike to open presents.

Zack playing with his new puzzle.

Zack trying to shake the money out of his piggy bank.

Zack and Dad playing with Zack's new garage.

Zack's birthday cake.

Apparently we weren't fast enough getting the cake ready. Zack is digging in.

Ashley pulling the table cloth so she can get some cake!

Ashley really likes to bite on fingers.

Trying to get Ashley to sit up by herself.

Zack showing off all of his Matchbox cars.

Zack and Dad hanging out on the back deck after work.

This could be Zack and Ashley's first pillow fight.

I guess Ashley won, she's eating the pillow.

Now she's going after her blanket.

Zack is showing his banana stickers.

Ashley and Dad.
Zack in the tub.

Ashley is 4 months old.

Ashley playing after her shots. See all the bandaids on her legs.